You Can and Should Avoid Future Traffic Violations
You’re probably visiting us at Cheap and Speedy Traffic School because you have received a traffic violation. Receiving a traffic violation can be a stressful experience as well as a financial stressor. You can move on and see this traffic violation ticket in your rear-view mirror, “no pun intended!” by completing traffic violation school today at Cheap and Speedy Traffic School.
However, the worst thing would be to complete your traffic violation school, pay your ticket, be done with the courts and THEN get another traffic violation.
Every time you receive a traffic ticket could affect your driving privileges as well as your insurance premium. Here is how the California DMV scores these traffic violations.
The California DMV points system was established to monitor safety habits of drivers within California using a quantitative, easy-to-understand format. According to the rules of the California DMV points system, traffic violation is scored by “Negligent Operator Points.”
Points are added to an individual’s driving record when the DMV receives a traffic violation or accident report. The number of points marked on the driver’s record varies based on the severity of the offense committed. Larger offenses result in greater point values, and more serious consequences. Incurring many points will result in a MINIMUM of license suspension, with possible steep fines or even jail sentences. If you already have points on your record, future traffic violations could lead to more expensive tickets.
Not every violation will add points to a license, but most moving violations will. A moving violation is any violation of the law committed by the driver while the vehicle is in motion. For example, a red light ticket, in California is a big deal! (Running a red light in California is a $500 ticket!)
The other three types of traffic violations do not add points to your license. Non-moving violations are violations such as parking tickets and fix-it tickets. Paperwork violations relate to insurance or other documentation. Cell phone violations include talking on your cell phone while driving.
So why should you avoid second and third traffic Violations? Because these points will add up and cost you money both in court and on your insurance!
Drivers who accumulate four penalty points in 12 months, six in 24 months, or eight in 36 months will have their driver’s license suspended for an extended period of time depending on the California county the reside in.
Losing your license can be a HUGE inconvenience. We live in a hustling world and not be able to get around to work in back, family events, life in general can be a huge setback financially and socially.
Take your traffic violation school today at cheap and speedy traffic school and avoid future tickets!